going on a break

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going on a break

Unread post by avaiara »

is it possible to take a break in your relationship when you live with your significant other?
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Re: going on a break

Unread post by Heather »

It is, and there are a few ways to do that. It'd help to have some more information from you about what exactly you're looking for with this, but there are some basics I can get you started with without it.

If you want a physical break -- as in, you want to be fully away from each other without seeing each other -- then obviously one of you is going to need to find somewhere else to stay temporarily.

Alternately or additionally, one or both of you can:
• move one of you into a separate room, at least, for sleeping and other private space
• agree not to do any things you generally do as a couple for a certain time period, including talking about your relationship
• try and limit the amount of time you see each other by making social plans or other plans to be out of the shared space during times you'd otherwise be in it at the same time
• open the relationship up to seeing others, if that's the kind of break you want ( though generally it's not advised to open a relationship up that's in crisis, but to work through and resolve the crisis first)
• agree to put your time and energy into other parts of your lives, and go dark when it comes to investments of time and energy into the relationship
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