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Relationships and sexual desire

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 5:52 pm
by Unicorn147788
Hi I'm a 15 year old girl who has been masturbating since I can remember. I'm extremely open to everyone in my life and is happy to give advice and support to those in need.
However, for the past year or so I've had little to no crushes when I used to fancy at least one person at any one time. This was quite a shock to me and still is.
Truth is, I've found myself not craving any type of relationship with anyone. For me it's more about the sex.
I see myself having one night stands a lot when I'm of age. But I don't see myself ever settling down.
At first I thought this was a phase, but it's been quite a while. I'm not ashamed in this but I was wondering if this was relatively normal at my age.
I've also not wanted children ever, I lowkey despise them - not to be dramatic or anything hehe
Any help would be much appreciated xxx

Re: Relationships and sexual desire

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:18 am
by Heather
So, there's nothing wrong with any of this, because there's not one right set of things to want. If now -- or even always -- it turns out you don't want kids, that's okay. If now -- or even always -- it turns out you would rather take a pass on ongoing sexual or romantic relationships and stick with more casual, short interactions, that's okay, too!

I will ask that everyone here not talk about despising any given group of people -- be that a group based on age, race, gender, orientation, etc. -- just because that's an expression of bias or bigotry and makes this place less great to hang around. I also will always challenge that kind of thinking because it really is bias, and that harms all people, ultimately, but particularly whatever group of people anyone has bias with. But none of that means it isn't okay or fully acceptable for you not to want to have kids (me either!) or make them any big part of your life.

So, you're asking for help: what do you feel like you need help with when it comes to this?