cannot orgasm due to anti-depressant

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cannot orgasm due to anti-depressant

Unread post by hydrangea »

I have been masturbating often and regularly, and I enjoy it. However, lately, I have been having difficulties in reaching orgasm. I did some research, and some websites say that anti-depressants can make orgasm difficult. I have recently, indeed, taken anti-depressants.

Sometimes I skip a day or two because I get so frustrated that I can't orgasm, but even so, to orgasm is still very hard; I have to touch myself for at least 2 hours before I can climax (before, usually, it only took me 1 hour maximum).

I can't tell my mom that I'm having this issue because obviously, I don't want her to know that I've been masturbating. She's not at all open-minded about sex. But I really want to be able to enjoy masturbating again...:c
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Re: cannot orgasm due to anti-depressant

Unread post by Heather »

This is a pretty common issue. The good news is that depression often makes it even more difficult than treatments for depression do, and an adjustment to your medication -- or a switch to a different formulation -- might solve this for you.

Can you either call in to your prescribing physician or get an appointment with them so you can ask them about this?
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