Can you record a brief video of yourself talking about how Scarleteen has helped you? We're looking for clips for a fundraising video in the new year, and we'd love to have you involved! You can find out more, including how and where to upload your video, here: Scarleteen’s Project For Awesome 2025 submission! Our deadline for these is December 23rd 2024!

If the Holidays are a Tough Time for You, What are some things you're doing for self-care?

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If the Holidays are a Tough Time for You, What are some things you're doing for self-care?

Unread post by Sam W »

I know this season can be charged for people (and that even people who don't celebrate a winter holiday have to deal with some of the chaos or stress associated with this time of year). So, with that in mind, I thought it might be helpful to have a spot where folks can share what strategies they're using if this season tends to be stressful. Sometimes, seeing the things other people have come up with for self-care can help us generate ways to do our own.

One thing that's been helping me lately is being really intentional about engaging with the parts of the season (by which I mean both Christmas, since that's what my family celebrates, and winter itself) that I actively enjoy and giving myself permission to not engage with the parts that stress me out just because I'm "supposed" to enjoy them.

How about y'all?
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Re: If the Holidays are a Tough Time for You, What are some things you're doing for self-care?

Unread post by al »

I self-isolated in a really healthy way! I managed to get a catsitting gig at my parents' house for the holiday, and so rather than the fuss and stress of cooking a big meal (of food that I don't actually like) or being with relatives who I don't get along with, I got to spend it watching Supernatural, eating my favorite foods, and building a new garden planter for my mom. It helped to have my dog with me - I might have felt lonely otherwise, but it's been really nice to not have to do anything that I don't really want to do. And I've been catching up on sleep. :3

As for Christmas, I'm not quite sure what the plan is.. I wish I could do this same type of thing again, maybe with my partner, but I'm not sure my family will let me get away with skipping out on what they consider to be two major holidays. So my partner and I will have to do some strategizing.
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Re: If the Holidays are a Tough Time for You, What are some things you're doing for self-care?

Unread post by bisethual »

During the holidays, I often feel a sense of obligation to spend time with toxic family members, just because they're my family. This year, I am consciously going to make an effort to spend time with positive, supportive people. I think this is good for both me and my family members. I'm happier during the holiday season, and I'm definitely more fun to be around when I'm not overwhelmed and anxious. Also, I'm making sure to take time for myself when I need it (e.g. listen to podcasts in my room after a long afternoon of socialising).
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Re: If the Holidays are a Tough Time for You, What are some things you're doing for self-care?

Unread post by SpaceCowboy »

When I know I'm going into a family situation that might be tense, I make sure to always have an "out" for myself so that I can leave when I get overwhelmed. "Sorry, I have to work tomorrow!" "I need to go to bed early, I've been feeling a little ill!" It sounds really small but it helps a lot to feel like I have an exit strategy prepared in case I need it.

Al your cat-sitting gig sounds amazing! My dream holiday! Lol.
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