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Is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 10:19 am
by IAmScared
I ask to educate myself about abuse,what is and what isn't abuse.
is it sexual abuse if you are not in mental state to say no to sex and you feel disgusted by it and your partner knows it and still asks for sex?

Re: Is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 10:33 am
by Sam W
As you know, you've been told we won't keep talking with you about your abuse here, or continue to define the minutia of abuse when we have already given you resources about what is and isn't abuse. We believe you, we always have, but as we have told you in the past, the kind of help you continue to need with this and the headspace you continue to be in with it is simply far outside our abilities and capacity as a service. As we have suggested before, since you generally have had at least one therapist you are regularly working with, we need to remind you again that we still need to refer you to your therapist for help with this. I'm sorry we can't help with this, but I do believe you have at least one person who can and who is actively helping you with this.

As we've said before, we'd be glad to talk with you about other issues, we just have to hold our limit with this one.