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Shortened Placebo Week with Pills

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:29 am
by Peonies
Hi Scarleteen!

Work has kept me busy and I haven't had time to stop by lately. Hope everyone is doing well. :)

I am switching the start day for my pills. I used to start on a Thursday night but now am starting on Sunday (it's just easier for me to remember starting a new pack). I took my first placebo pill on Thursday and then went ahead and started my new pack of pills on Sunday. So I shortened my placebo week by a few days. This is ok in terms of effectiveness right? So long as I'm not shortening my active pills? Just double checking :)

Re: Shortened Placebo Week with Pills

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:20 am
by Redskies
Yes, shortening a placebo week like that is fine for effectiveness.

It's possible that the timing of your bleed might be a little thrown off temporarily or that you might get a bit of breakthrough bleeding, but the only issues with that are the inconvenience or if someone wasn't expecting it and got worried. Whether those happen or not, your contraceptive coverage will be fine.

Re: Shortened Placebo Week with Pills

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:35 pm
by Peonies
Awesome! Thank you Redskies for a speedy reply!