Boobs are being weird

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Boobs are being weird

Unread post by ItzAngie »

Hey guys so recently I noticed last week that both my boobs have red spots. On the right one there’s 3 and the left has 2. They’re not big but they’re noticeable. And as a few days have gone by I’ve noticed that the red spots dried up and they’re no longer red and the skin where the spot is at is dry. And today I noticed that some of the skins of my nipples starting to flake off. Not a lot but it’s something I noticed. I’m worried because everything Ive searched up is breast cancer and all these other scary things. I don’t know if what caused this is the clothes I wore or something else. Please help me I’m worried.
Sam W
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Re: Boobs are being weird

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi ItzAngie,

We can't say for certain what's causing these symptoms. It could be acne in the case of the red spots, though you'd know best whether the spots are very different from what you normally see on your breasts. With the flaking skin on your nipples, if it's only been a day or two, than it could be something like irritation from clothing or something else minor. However, if the flaking has been going on for awhile, or it's happening along with things like pain, then it's time to check in wit a healthcare provider. Too, if these symptoms are freaking you out, you can still check in with a healthcare provider so they can help you figure out what's going on.
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