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is pain normal?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 10:43 pm
by neon
hi lol, this is super awkward to talk about but idk where else to ask. basically inserting anything into my vagina is painful no matter the size. even if it's just one finger when i'm already turned on or a tampon on the heaviest day of my period, it hurts too much to do. i'm wondering if this is normal considering i'm a virgin and just means my hymen is still intact or if it could be a medical condition and i should see a doctor? thanks :)

Re: is pain normal?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:35 am
by Siân
Hi neon,

Most of the time, inserting something into the vagina needn't be painful if you're feeling relaxed and aroused, and using lubricant. If you're experiencing pain it's probably a good idea to go speak to a medical provider about it as whether you've ever had intercourse shouldn't be a factor (this tells you more about that: My Corona: The Anatomy Formerly Known as the Hymen & the Myths That Surround It) and there may be other issues at play that they can help you with.

Is the pain new, or have you always experienced this?