Oral Contraception Worry

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Oral Contraception Worry

Unread post by Eve »

Hi all!
So, im currently on day 2 of my break week from the contraceptive pill, which ive been on for 5 months now, and due to get my period on day 4.
Reason for my concern is that for the past 3 days, I've had an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach that keeps coming and going, not so much nausea, or cramps, just a weird, uncomfortable feeling.
I'm quite good at taking my pills on time, I've never missed one, however 2 days this month I took them around 1 hour and 20 minutes late.
Was just wondering if having taken them slightly late, would this have decreased my protection level, thus meaning the feeling in my stomach could be an early sign of pregnancy?
I do suffer from anxiety, which made me think the unhappy stomach could be due to that, however for the past week I've been quite calm, and can't really think of anything which might have set it off.
Any help would be much appreciated!
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Re: Oral Contraception Worry

Unread post by Heather »

There are so many reasons for these kinds of stomach issues, this is the kind of thing best brought to a general doctor or clinic if this keeps up.

In terms of worries about pregnancy, do you also back your pill up with condoms? If so, know dual contraception like that is THE most effective way to prevent pregnancy, so if you are doing that, there is truly no cause for oregnancy concerns. If you are not doing that, we advise it for a few reasons, for anyone, but paticularly for people who struggle with pregnancy fears.
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Re: Oral Contraception Worry

Unread post by Eve »

I dont back it up with condoms, though I really want to start doing, I just feel my boyfriend isn't so keen on the idea, he doesnt seem to see the point of doing so when im already on the pill, but yeah I will look into it.
Will taking those two pills slightly late have decreased my protection percentage at all?
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Re: Oral Contraception Worry

Unread post by Heather »

Well, your boyfriend is not the one who has to worry about becoming pregnant, now is he. As well, condoms provide protection against STIs and other genital infections a pill cannot, so even for those who do not need contraception, condoms are important.

Seriously, sounds like you may need to remind him that it is not up to him to see the point himself, since he is not the one who can become pregnant. It is up to you to say what you need in that regard, then a partner just gets to choose if they are down with that or bot. If not, then the choice they have is just not to have sex with you, easy as pie. :)

As as an extra tip, if and when a partner doesn seem to get that that is what the choice is- to have sex with using what you need for your own risk management or not to have sex, if they can't deal - and be pretty mellow about that, rather than suggesting you go without what you need, that is often a good clue someone has some maturity or empathy missing that is needed to be just a plain, old decent sexual partner.

Personally, any partner who could not themselves become pregnant who told me they knew better than I did what I needed as someone who could would be invited to let themselves out and not ever call back, IMO. Never had it happen myself, thank goodness, but if it ever did, that is about how it would go. Just my two cents there to take or leave.

With combined oral contraceptives, pills are only late when taken more than 12 hours later than you take them daily. I do not see you reporting taking any pills late.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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