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Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:58 pm
by Breeze1892
Had a friend from primary school who I really like as a friend and we would always hang out together and do our homework together. Everything started to change when we got into secondary school.

For the first 3 years of secondary school she had different teenage crushes and during that period I discovered that I was always jealous everytime I saw with any other boy. I started developing a crush on her half way through the second semester of the 3rd year but I always felt like she was never gonna accept me and she seemed out of my league though we were still friends.

For the remaining 3 years of secondary school, we still hung out together but it was always evident that I liked her but I never got the courage to tell her about it. She moved away before the final year of secondary school and I really wish I had told her how I felt. Everyone I've talked to have always asked me to forget about it but noone seems to understand how hard it is to forget about someone.

Most times I try to forget about her but it's really hard and I just wish I had the opportunity to tell her how I felt before she left.

Why is it hard for me to forget about her?. Tried talking to my parents but that's a dead end and it's kinda surprising that I joined Scarleteen since I'm really reclusive and hardly talk with my parents.

Re: Forgetting!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:12 pm
by Heather
Welcome to the boards. :)

Do you feel like this is about being unable to forget about her as a person and a friend - in which case you could always just go ahead and try and pick up contact again, the internet has made it pretty easy most times to get back in touch with people - or about wanting resolution for those specific feelings?

If it is the latter, do you feel like telling her about them would resolve things for you, regardless of her reaction? Or that only some reactions would? In terms of her, what do you feel like telling her offers her? What would you like her to do with that information if you shared it, ideally?

Re: Forgetting!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:27 pm
by Breeze1892
It's the latter. I just want to tell her how I feel and regardless of the answer I get from her, I'm hoping it relieves me of the burden of not being able to forget about her.

She's probably not going to give me the kind of answer I want but I just feel telling her would be a huge step in forgetting about her.