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How are you nuturing your relationship with yourself right now?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 10:32 am
by Sam W
February tends to be a time where we're deluged with messages about how important it is to have relationships with other people (especially romantic ones). So, with that in mind, I wanted to make space for people to share how they're nurturing a positive relationship with themselves.

For instance, I set up a new planner system for 2020. In addition to things like which work or creative pursuits to prioritize, I make sure there are always two things prioritized for each week that are about me spending time with and being kind to myself (yoga, reading, cooking, and so on). How about y'all?

Re: How are you nuturing your relationship with yourself right now?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 5:44 pm
by 0PT1M15T1C
I just found this now, but thought it was really cool,

And actually I'm glad I saw this today because it's forcing me to get up, not be lazy and take care of myself. I've been working on staying organized and planning things out. I've been doing my best to keep my room clean, and right now, as I'm typing this out I'm making plans with friends - because I've been really lacking on that. So, tomorrow after my game we're doing bubble tea and most likely coming back to my house. I've also been working hard to be setting time aside for self care whether it be to do meditation or taking time to reconnect with my body, through a few things others have brought up here. I've been doing my best to take off my binder off as well and have actually done okay with that one.

Also, I've been working hard on giving myself a break from school, I don't need to study every day when it just causes me stress. I've been setting aside a time that's set for that and limiting the time I'm allowed to spend on it.

Re: How are you nuturing your relationship with yourself right now?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:46 pm
by IrisEnfys
I've been taking naps to music for less than an hour once or maybe twice on days I feel tired and trying to control my anger with methods like naming things I can see or just thinking "bug off" when I have annoying intrusive thoughts due to OCD. I don't nap every day, but napping does make me feel peaceful and energized when I wake on those days. I've been unusually tired maybe every few days for a year or two, and don't know why. I try to not be that way. I've been rock-climbing once a week or so, and get a decent amount of sleep, but still feel weak occasionally. I also struggle with anger and melancholy, even though I have a really satisfying life and have so many reasons to be happy.