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Skipping period with birth control pills

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:25 pm
by Katy_W
Hi Scarleteen,

I'm currently on a monophasic birth control pills and I've just finished the 21st active pill on Sunday. I took the first placebo pill on Monday. However on Tuesday I decided I wanted to skip my period for this month. I know that to skip a period what you usually do is to start taking the next pack right after the 21st active pill, but considering that I've already taken 1 placebo pill on Monday, I finally decided to take the first 2 active pills of the new pack on Tuesday (I just pretended that I missed an active pill on Monday). I plan to just continue taking the pills as usual for the following days. I think I should be able to skip my period because my period hasn't started yet on Monday, but the problem I have now is that if I do it this way, will I still be protected from pregnancy right now? Or should I use a backup method for the coming 7 days?

thanks so much for helping!

Re: Skipping period with birth control pills

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:57 pm
by Heather
You shortened the placebo period, not the active period, so the effectiveness of your pill should not change.

We personally always suggest using condoms with any method, however, simply because condoms are the only method that also gives you and any partners protection against STIs and other infections. Plus, dual contraception (using two methods) is the most effective way to prevent pregnancy.

Re: Skipping period with birth control pills

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:09 pm
by Katy_W
your answer helps a lot!thank you:)