Prostate Issue.

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Prostate Issue.

Unread post by potatochipeater »

My question isn't 100% sex or sexuality related. Having said that the prostate plays a function in sex and with creation and release of semen/sperm. I have to get a medical procedure done that I didn't even know they could do. It's a prostate ultrasound. While I have read what that entails and the fact no sedation is given I was wondering if anyone here knows more about what to expect and what kind of pain might be involved? The only time I had an ultrasound was on a knee issue and on my chest for gall bladder removal. I know from that that the hard pressing they did hurt during and afterward. Hopefully, you'll know something about this procedure but okay if not.

I'm also wondering can this lead to an embarassing moment where they press against the gland and it releases fluids from the penis itself? I've heard of milking a prostate or massage so I kind of wondered what could transpire there. Like I said, until today I knew absolutely nothing about the procedure. I'm having it done because every time I drink water within less than 5 minutes I need the washroom or an accident could occur. Even if not drinking I'll get an intense urge to urinate and must do so on the spot which is hard without a bathroom near by. I can only go 45 minutes without urinating. They thought it was my prostate and or diabetes. It's been a real drag for over a year.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by Heather »

I'm sorry that you've been struggling with these urinary issues! That certainly sounds like a drag, for sure. I hope that you can get some answers soon and hopefully also something that changes this for you. It's so stressful to deal with bladder or bowel urgency issues.

I do want to say that it is always okay as a patient for us to ask however many questions, and whatever questions, we have of healthcare providers, very much including questions like if a given text is safe, why they're doing it, and if there's anything that might happen with a test we should know about ahead of time. I'd encourage you to ask these questions of your doctors, nurses or other clinicians, as they're going to know best.

I think the information Johns Hopkins gives about these tests on their website might be helpful to you: ... l-sonogram . I'm not an expert about this kind of ultrasound, and they are.

I don't think there's any cause for concern about fluids being released from the penis, though: it's unlikely that would happen from this test.

But do know that anyone doing these kinds of healthcare where they are having something to do with people's genitals -- things like this, things like testicular manual exams or GYN exams, etc. -- are used to genitals having all of the various kinds of responses that genitals can to direct or indirect stimulation, like erections (of the penis, of the clitoris), like fluids showing up, increasing or decreasing, like sounds our bodies can make. If and when things do happen, they are usually expecting them, don't think any of of them, and we're never the first person they've likely seem a thing happen with.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by potatochipeater »

Thanks very much. I have been referred to a kidney specialist to figure out the issues with urination. I have to wait til the middle of the month but that's pretty darn good. I'm chomping at the bit. I'm on medication that is known to cause kidney issues that look like regular diabetes. That's what all the tests have been about determining so far. That's also the reason for the prostate ultrasound. I have the tests they did with my blood back by email which surprised me as it usually takes 24-48 hrs. I'm glad my doctor will call me because it's just a series of percentages, numbers and decimal points that they've given little to no guidance on how to read. I was disappointed when I got the report. More or less been dealing with the urinary issues for over 6 months. I'm lucky to be in a country where all my health needs save for dentistry and dermatology is covered. My doctor hooked me up with top people who deal with this stuff that unfortunately in other places in the world are impossible for people to pay for out of pocket. I can't bitch nor should I too much about wait times that are pretty short for specialists. I still go to movies, concerts or do regular activities but I'm finding myself always asking for ailse seats or I won't go do to getting up frequently.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by Heather »

I think you still get to have whatever feelings you have about all this, whatever your privileges. <3
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by potatochipeater »

Thanks again for your help. I received my blood work back. They did my entire body chemistry. The doctor wasn't concerned with kidneys. They are now concerned with thyroid. Lithium can cause thyroid problems in people on it for extended periods. It can also cause kidney function issues. This might be why there is an issue with constant urination. I'm glad I'm not diabetic but should take it as a warning to finally fix my garbage diet. I have gone off of pop which I drank daily and sugary stuff to make sure my sugar levels are okay.

As far as the prostate ultrasound goes I actually want to do that. I want to rule out everything that could be causing me to need to urinate frequently. An appointment has been booked but not until April. The challenge is that they want me to come in 1hr before the appointment with a full bladder. I can't urinate until it's concluded. That's an isssue because the minute I have a drink of water I have to pee like a horse 5 minutes later. I absolutely need a bathroom as it's one of those go right now or lose it right there situations. When I don't have anything to drink it's urination every 45 mins and several times at night interrupting sleep. It's a pain in the rear but we'll get to the bottom of it.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by Mo »

It's good that there isn't an immediate concern about your kidneys, at least, but it sounds like a good idea to keep doing testing; I'm glad you have an ultrasound appointment scheduled already, even if it's a couple months away at this point.

I wonder if you could talk to an ultrasound technician or someone else who'd know the specifics of your procedure and ask if you could bring a large water bottle with you and drink it all right when you arrived an hour before the procedure, or some other solution that might make it more likely that you can have a full bladder for the procedure without feeling so much urgency you're worried you might not make it to the procedure time at all. Surely it's not uncommon for people who have a hard time holding off the need to urinate for long to need this sort of procedure, and I'd hope are ways they can try and manage the competing needs of the patient and the test setup.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by potatochipeater »

I was asked to follow up with the doctor who ordered that test. That's where it stands. I'll see what they say as I'm sure I'm not the only person with that issue. The hospital person who called and knows the test told me to call that doctor about my concern. She did however, say that I know my body best and what it can hold and for how long. She said they might have to tell me to drink a bare minimum. I don't know but I'm sure they will figure it out. I mean they know the reason for the test. I'm sure they have seen people in far worse shape than myself and figured out what to do with them and needing to urinate. There are I'm told other tests to arrive at the same results so I'm asking about them as soon as I get a call back from the doctor. My kidney appointment which I've been told to keep with a specialist is next week. Maybe they'll figure out the urinary frequency issue. That would be the best scenario.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by Heather »

How can we best support or help you with this from here, potatochipeater?
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by potatochipeater »

You have provided the information that I need. Once the tests have been done I'll let you know whether or not I'm fine by adding a reply to the thread. It looks as though this should be all sorted out soon. They have told me now to drink the water just before the test and it should give some images.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by Heather »

You got it. We'll all be thinking good thoughts for you. :)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by potatochipeater »

Just a quick update to say I will be alright. I saw a kidney specialist who says the issue I'm having is with mild deterioration of my kidneys. I've done a whack of tests including 24hr urine collection, blood tests for creatinine and other tests. They don't know the exact cause. As for the frequent urination I've been told to cancel the prostate ultrasound outright by the specialist. They want to run a kidney ultrasound instead. My only issue with that is that they wanted me to hold my urine for an hour before. I got it down to 30 minutes when I told them I couldn't but don't know what I can do to hold it that long. When I have to pee it's urgent with an intense feeling that I need to or it's an embarrassing sudden accident. I don't know if there are tips or info on that. Again, sorry this isn't about sex but wanted you to see I'm going to be alright. It's been a drag as often while I'm out it's hard to find facilities. The specialist seems to have things finally moving in right direction after 4 months of waiting to see one.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by Siân »

That's good news! If you're concerned about the length of time they're asking you to hold your urine before the test, perhaps you could speak to them about that?
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by potatochipeater »

I spoke with them. They said I have to hold it in for 30 minutes or they cannot get images. That's going to be difficult. It's 4 large glasses of water that they require you drink and hold. There's no telling whether or not they'll take me the minute I show up or make me wait either. I'm dreading it but have to attempt it.
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Re: Prostate Issue.

Unread post by Amanda F »

That sounds challenging potatochipeater. Don't forget that you have agency, even in the doctor's office. You can reiterate to them that due to the frequent urination you have some concerns about this, and you NEED them to ensure that they don't make you wait any longer than the 30 minutes.

I'm rooting for you! Good luck! Let us know how it goes!!
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