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Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:02 pm
by confused&lonely
I kind of regret having sex and I realize I wasn't ready and because of that it wasn't what I was hoping it would be. Did I ruin it for whenever I am ready?

Re: Regret

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:24 am
by Heather
Nope. :)

Trying anything one time and not having it be what you needed or expected does not tell you anything about how it will go the next time nor ruin all the other times you may try it ever after. Just like having a crummy meal once does not mean food is forever ruined for someone, nor that they won't have a great meal the very next day, the same goes here.

In fact, if you've found out some things you want and need when it comes to sex you did not know before you wanted or needed, it is more likely to go better next time, because you can walk in knowing those things and making choices with, and communicating to a partner, those wants or needs.

Mind, sometimes people's expectations of sex,or a certain kind of sex, are not realistic. So, there might be some of that that went on, too. It's not at all unusual, particularly with intercourse, for people to find that their expectations just didn't match reality, even when things go just fine.

Do you want to talk these feelings through some more to get some help resolving them? If so, we're certainly happy to do that with you.