NO SCHOOL for 6 weeks...

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NO SCHOOL for 6 weeks...

Unread post by Everglow »

...and all anybody is talking about is sex. Everything is shut down out here, but we have no parents around as they must work, so all my friends and I are talking about having big sex raves at our homes.

I signed up for that jujitsu class, that was going to start on Monday, but that has been cancelled until further notice.

I got 6 weeks of absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go. I don't even have any homework from school because Washington State has no way of making this happen.

I guess I should be thankful that I didn't break-up with my boyfriend.
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Re: NO SCHOOL for 6 weeks...

Unread post by Siân »

How are you feeling about that? Do you want to rant, or to brainstorm ideas for things to do whilst big, in-person gatherings are off the table?

From your previous thread, it sounds like lots of conversations about "big sex raves" might not be where you're at right now. Did you manage to talk to your boyfriend about setting boundaries around sex?
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