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Oral accident

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:08 pm
by Dny50
Hi I gave my girlfriend oral sex and my nose started to bleed and we didn't even realize it and then I stopped and it was all over me and her , is it bad if it gets on her or in her vagina none of us have and STD or anything

Re: Oral accident

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:25 am
by Jacob
Hi Dny50,

That certainly sounds like it was an unpleasant surprise! Firstly, welcome to scarleteen. You're right to think it might increase the risk of STI transmission (more fluids = more opportunity), but if neither of you are worried about having existing infections the risk of that is obviously pretty low. Some STIs, like HPV in men, do not have associated tests so you wouldn't necessarily know you had it. Using something like a dental dam might have reduced the risk a bit, but if there was a whole lot of blood, that would be limited.

Really though, catching an STI is something that is relatively likely at some point during the course of someone's entire sex life... and the important thing is to simply be aware of our bodies so we can reduce that risk, and catch it early if (or probably when) it happens. I'd say you're doing a really great job of that by investigating the possibility by coming here to ask that question... You couldn't really have expected a spontaneous nose bleed to happen and I'd say you've dealt with it well, for now you don't likely have anything to worry about, especially if you continue to be this conscious of STI risks.

Re: Oral accident

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:51 am
by Dny50
What is HPV? And how would you even get that ?is that something to worry about ?, and also were only teenagers and we've never had any other sexual relations with anyone else but Eachother so it's not like we could have any infections right ? And what's a dental dam ?:o and another thing there wasn't a lot of blood it was like smeared so it might have seemed like a lot
Sorry for all these questions I just wanna be sure that everything is okay because idk how I could get a nose bleed I feel like that's something you guys haven't heard before

Re: Oral accident

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:19 am
by Jacob
Hey again... don't worry about asking questions, that's what we're here for.

Nose bleeds can happen at times, I had one the other morning, I think because I was a bit cold and was sleeping on my back. Just because it's a new one for me, doesn't mean that's anything extra to worry about it. It happened. It passed. The main point however, is that nose blood isn't going to cause any harm on it's own we are only talking about the risk of STI transmission, so an STI has to be there.

Next, a dental dam, is just a word for a sheet of latex which is designed to prevent sti transmission when its placed between your mouth and some-one's anus/vulva when performing oral sex. As you can imagine, it could have helped in your case as it would have covered your partner's genitals and it can help reduce the risk of STI transmission with cunnilingus in general.

Finally HPV is human papillomavirus, it just happens to be one of the STIs which is harder to test for, it can be symptomless or can cause warts, and one strain of it can increase someone's risk of cervical cancer. I mentioned it because, you said that neither of you have any STIs. But as HPV shows, you can't quite be 100% sure.

If you are happy with the measures you already take to avoid STI spread then really that's fine with us... on the other hand if you wanted advice on more techniques (there are always more) for reducing risk, like dental dams and gloves, we love to do that too. Really this is stuff that you get to decide!

Here's a link to our article on barriers: ... l_the_time

EDIT: You may have noticed this reply change a couple of times... I realised something wasn't quite right and Redskies helped me correct some stuff, hence all the edits, hooray for other volunteers!

Re: Oral accident

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:43 pm
by Dny50
Omg thank you ! Before you edited it, I was scared because you made it sound as if there was a risk and it was a bit confusing , but now I understand, I still can't believe I got a nose bleed ! I feel like that's never happen to nobody but me ahaha

Re: Oral accident

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:14 pm
by Redskies
Glad we could get that sorted for you - it's been a bit busy on the boards today, and sometimes thoughts don't come out quite as clearly as they were in our heads!

I absolutely guarantee you that it's happened to other people :) Sex is definitely occasionally going to throw us peculiar, embarrassing or hilarious things, because: bodies, and bodily fluids. And bodies just do their own thing and sometimes do things we wouldn't choose! It's good that it sounds like you can laugh about it, because a sense of humour about these things is a great tool to have :)

So we're clear about the STI issue, if neither of you have ever had any kind of sexual contact with anyone else, then the chance of either of you having an STI is extremely low. Extremely low, but not zero. That's because for some STIs, it's possible to contract them non-sexually, although for most of them that's fairly rare. The exception is herpes, because cold sores - sores/blisters on the lips - are herpes. More people than not carry the herpes virus - although most are asymptomatic - because it's super-common and so easy to transmit in ordinary life. It's possible to transmit the virus skin-to-skin from mouth to genitals during oral sex, which is one of the reasons why we suggest using barriers for oral sex as well as intercourse. We're always sad that the world in general is so poor at spreading the message that there's a barrier that can be used for oral sex on someone with a vulva.

Re: Oral accident

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:46 pm
by Dny50
So if someone had a cold sore a few months ago and they peformed oral sex does that mean it was transmitted ? Or does the cold sore still have to be present ?

Re: Oral accident

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:49 am
by Johanna
Here is some more info on herpes: The STI Files: Herpes