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spike in dysphoria and considering coming out

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:59 am
by killerachilles
my dysphoria has been getting insanely out of control recently so i sent my mom a binder that i can easily pass of as a sports bra and just said its because ive been wanting to get out of the house and work out more. the unfortunate thing is that im pretty sure shes getting a bit suspicious about it because when i bring up her buying it she says things like "why would you want to bind yourself down?? a normal sports bra would work better!!" and its totally freaking me out. its kinda made me consider coming out to her because i think it might make it easier to explain why i want one, but the thought of that horrifies me. i might just make a sob story about how i hate my chest only because im fat. it just makes my stomach churn whenever i talk to her about it. what should i do?? thanks.

Re: spike in dysphoria and considering coming out

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:08 am
by Heather
Hey there, killerachilles. I imagine that now, more than ever, is a really rough time to be home with people you live with and not out. I hope you're doing okay overall. I'm sorry that you're having a harder time with dysphoria than usual.

We have a really good piece from someone who's also trans about coming out that I think might be a particularly good one for you to read: Becoming Out: A Totally Non-Exhaustive, Step by Step Guide to Coming Out.

In general, do you *want* to come out to your mom? Do you think she'll be supportive? What would you be looking for in coming out to her? Do you think she could meet those expectations?