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Pregnancy scare?

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:31 am
by E_01
Okay so, my boyfriend and I had sex around a week and some change ago. We used a condom and we’re not sure if it broke or something because I’m really paranoid and a wiped myself to see if there was an residue. And I found a clump of what we think might be lube? Idk. But I’ve just got my period now but it looks like implantation bleeding but this is only day two of my possible cycle. My cycles aren’t usually light and I woke up this morning feeling sick. Do you think I could be pregnant?? I’m really worried, and should I take a test (it would have to be from the dollar store & idk how accurate those are)
Also side note: since quarantine I’ve had a really irregular sleep schedule so I’ve been waking up at like 2pm and going to sleep at 6 am, so I’ve been eating at irregular times too. Maybe that’s why I felt sick? I dunno. Please help, thank you

Re: Pregnancy scare?

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:14 am
by Jacob
Hi E,

It sounds like maybe the coronavirus panic could be ramping up the pregnancy scare feelings! Is that something you're feeling in a big way recently? It has been a really emotionally taxing time, which can be reflected in our sleep schedule, body clock and yup even menstrual cycles.

I absolutely feel you on the messed up sleep cycles. Mine is all over the place.

Anyhow, nothing you've said here suggests anything to do with pregnancy!

- bleeding when you're expecting a period - not a sign of pregnancy
- finding small amounts of liquids aroundyour vulva when you just had sex - not a sign of pregnancy
- a variation in heavy/light flow - not a sign of pregnancy
- a condom that didn't break in any way that you could see or notice at the time - not a sign of pregnancy

So as we're looking at a not-pregnancy, the next step would be to think of maybe some tactics which help us with stress and anxiety.

Is anxiety something you've ever had help with before?