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Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:29 pm
by sky
Has anyone here binded with a real binder? I’ve done it twice and it wasn’t with a binder and I ended up causing a lot of pain to myself. Sometimes I think about tying them down with bandages but that not safe either and it’ll hurt me too. So, anyone have any good recommendations on what brands? I am a C if that matters for brands at all. Also how does the packaging come because I don’t want anyone to know I ordered one and I need to be able to wear it for 6-9 hours at work

Re: Binding

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:27 am
by Jacob
Hi Sky!

I don't have personal experience of Binding but we have some resources by people who have I can share:

Trans Summer School: Gender Expression Gear

My understanding is that it can take a lot of trial and error to find the right binder, so it might be good to know the returns policy on anything you do buy!

It's also worth saying during the COVID-19 epidemic that if you are feeling any symptoms of being unwell it could be a good idea at this time to look after your lungs when you're binding or to avoid binding for now altogther if that feels at all doable.

There's a great resource/poster on binding during the pandemic in included in this page from TransHub in Australia, (you may need to scroll down to see it). But that would be worth looking at too!

Re: Binding

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:50 am
by 0PT1M15T1C
Hi, Sky.

So, I’m someone who’s been binding using actual binders for well over a year now and I’m hoping I can provide some helpful information.

As far as binding goes, the first most important thing is safety - meaning it’s really important not to use binders off like Wish/Ebay/Amazon. I’ve had friends who used those and all I remember is them a) not working all that well and b) causing pain.

I know there are two main places for binders that sell/ship in the US - Underworks and gc2b. Personally, I think I’m like an A maybe B cup (I’ve never measured), and I use gc2b, they work great for me. From what I’ve heard, Underworks is better for those with larger chests while gc2b is better for those who have smaller chests. From what I know, gc2b is also far more breathable and doesn’t dig into your armpits which I’ve heard is an issue with underworks. I’ve also heard gc2b feels easier on your ribs, but this is just the research I remember looking into.

If you’re a C cup, I think honestly you could go either way and be fine. Also, as far as that 8 hours suggestion/rule - I don’t know a single person who finds that actually achievable. As long as you aren’t feeling any discomfort or pain, you’re stretching and being careful, realistically you should be okay. I just really wouldn’t recommend wearing them longer than you have to. A binder should never cause you pain, which is why following that instruction as close as you can and making sure you’re getting the right size is really important (going a size down won’t necessarily bind better, it’ll just hurt you, and badly). Please, please, please never ace bandage bind, oh my god I remember doing that and like, there’s a reason one of my ribs is legitimately out of place. Scary? Yeah, also it hurt and bruised really badly.

Gc2b binders come in discreet packaging. Basically I think mine came in listed as “clothing” and that’s it, in a white package. No one will know what it is unless you open it, I’m not sure about Underworks.

I’ve heard people say it takes trial and error but as long as you are measuring properly and double check it, you should realistically be fine. For me, what ended up happening was my chest fit an xs, and my shoulders were like an inch into the medium, ended up going with the small and it works SO well. Also, gc2b says to hand wash binders, there’s really no need to, if anything I find it tightens up again after I just throw them in the washer and dryer.

I don’t know what type of clothes you wear, but I know Underworks is better for the strap piece, although gc2b has a new “racerback” binder that personally, I think looks weird and I don’t feel like paying $20 more for. If you have any sort of questions though, feel free to ask.

Also - full tank binders, I know they probably look appealing but every single person I know ended up hating them because they stretch, then roll and slide up a whole bunch, so they ended up cutting them into half tanks. Getting a full or half tank won't make a difference in how it binds, however it may mean you can just wear it as a tank top out and about.

Re: Binding

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:09 pm
by sky
Hey! Thank you :)

That’s all lovely information. I will take all of that into consideration. I want it for work and that’s how long I work for. I don’t think im gonna get one. I’m a girl and that’s just the sad facts. I think I’m just giving up on the whole gender exploration because all it does is hurt me.

Thank you again <3

Re: Binding

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:42 pm
by 0PT1M15T1C
Hi, Sky,

It's not weird to wear a binder even though you identify as female, some people just don't like the appearance of breasts. It's actually quite common among some of the lesbians (but not just, they're just popular and I think they're cool) I follow online, and I can name a few women that got top surgery just because they didn't like their chest. It's not a bad thing to be honest, it's about feeling comfortable in your own skin. I am curious though, why do you say the gender exploration hurts you..? There's a lot of safe ways to play around with it and honestly, it's no one else's business. It's your choice though and I'm glad my information helped a little.

Re: Binding

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:04 pm
by sky
It hurts me because I just am not comfortable with myself in any way. Yesterday I was told that I’m not a man and I need to be the best female I can be. I don’t know how to be female well, I’ve never felt fully female. How do even act femme? I don’t know. I just feel displaced I guess

Re: Binding

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:51 am
by Jacob
I'm sorry someone said that sky!

Honestly, nobody can tell us who we are, whether that's gender or any other part of our identity.

"You're not [x] and you just need to be the best [y] you can be" just sounds like a formula for denying people the right to explore their own selves.

What can happen is that exploring our gender can be exhausting when we have to push back against people like that, and there's no problem in having a break from trying if that's what it feels like you need right now, especially if it helps you collect up energy to help you in the future!

But also, if you do want to explore gender expression still, you get to, and you know you have our support here!

Re: Binding

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:30 pm
by sky
Okay. I’m a straight woman. Got all that decided.

Thanks everyone :)

Re: Binding

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:49 am
by sky
Okay well that’s a lie. Thank you very much optimistic. I was trying hard to be someone I’m not. I am not gonna get into explaining everything because I don’t need to explain myself but I get me and I’m not a woman or a man. I’m me and I’m gonna dress androgynous and also femme because I like both! I’m gonna do what I want and I don’t care what others think anymore. I’m valid with my breasts binded or pushed up. I’m valid no matter what. I changed my name again, and my friends are calling me that and today for the first time in years I woke up feeling secure and happy with myself. :)