Period Kit Supplies

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Period Kit Supplies

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

Hey guys,

I have always had a period kit. Over the years, I've switched from using drawstring bags to pouches and I am currently using a cloth handbag. For school, the handbag or pouch was good enough but lately, I've been feeling like it's inadequate for my needs at work. I also went from living in a country that has a hose in every cubicle because washing yourself after doing your thing is part of the culture, to living in the USA... Where the idea of a hose is considered silly and ridiculous... Honestly, imo, having the ability to wash yourself is better than using tons and tons of toilet paper, but okay :lol:

I recently found out that blood dries WAY too fast to wipe off with just plain toilet paper... Especially cheap and thin tp that my work provides LOL! I have had to quickly run out of the cubicle to grab some hand paper towels, wet them at the sink, run back in before someone saw me half naked, just so I could clean myself up! Facepalm moment afterwards! What kind of wet wipes are safe to use? Just baby wipes? The more expensive "feminine wipes"? Also, how would you dispose of them? I've seen flushable wipes at grocery stores... Are they really flushable?

I also decided it is time to put my sewing skills to work and make myself my own toiletry bag, since I feel like every bag on the market out there is either too small or doesn't have the correct pocket measurements! And before I do so, I'd like to know if I missed out on any essentials that I might need, besides the obvious pads/tampons/underwear. What would YOU put in your period kits?
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Re: Period Kit Supplies

Unread post by Siân »

Hi there!

Yeah, I get what you mean about toilet paper as a substitute for washing yourself. I grew up with paper being the norm but I do stop and wonder sometimes why that is!

In terms of what wipes you use, I don't think you have to go for more expensive "feminine" ones, especially as a lot of them will be scented with things that actually are MORE likely to send your body a little out of balance. If you want to use some kind of wet-wipe when on your period, then something with the minimum of scenting and other added extras is the way forwards. And whilst a lot of them claim to be flushable, they actually don't tend to break down so well in the sewerage system and can cause blockages so you're better off binning them if you can.

I like the idea of a home-sewn kit bag! You probably have the best idea of what you usually use during your periods, and before you start sewing I guess you'll want to be happy in your selection of products to know their dimensions. What about extras, like do you need painkillers or an emergency bag of sweets in there for a bad day?
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Re: Period Kit Supplies

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

My workplace does not dispose of trash bins as often as they should, so I would be worried about binning blood stained wet wipes... (Though I suppose the same can be said about blood soaked pads...) What would you suggest? Tying them off in a plastic bag and throwing it out myself? The trash collectors themselves only come by once a week and I'm pretty sure animals would've gotten to it before it gets collected... Wow, they really do things different here!

I found that sweets don't really perk me up and may actually make me feel worse :lol: But I suppose painkillers won't be a bad idea. I bring a mini pharmacy with me everywhere I go, but I may end up with my kit bag but NOT the pill box hah. I do also keep extra tissues, toilet seat covers and "sanitary bags" stolen from hotels LOL. I just wondered if there are things others found useful that might be worth adding to my kit :D
Sam W
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Re: Period Kit Supplies

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi TheConfusedOne,

I'd say go ahead toss the wet wipes where you'd toss a used pad (whether that's the garbage or one of those little mini garbage bins they have in bathroom stalls for things like period products). It's unlikely animals will be getting into the trash specifically for those wet wipes (really, when animals get into our trash, they're far more likely to be interested in food wrappers and scraps than used pads).

As for things to keep in that kit, one thing I know some people find helpful is to carry a stick-on heating pad to help with cramps and aches.
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Re: Period Kit Supplies

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

That's relieving, thank you. My mom has always told me to wrap my pads tight and dead-knot it in a plastic bag, so I guess I learned to be paranoid! :lol:

Ooh, that's a good idea, especially with winter coming. Thanks!
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