How do I know if she is too old for me?

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How do I know if she is too old for me?

Unread post by raine »

Hey! I'm Raine, I am technically 16 but practically 17. I'm gonna be 17 so soon so just pretend I am, okay? Anyway, so I've known this girl for like two months. When we first met we were in a group of people and she was only talking to me and not anyone else, and we were all first meeting for the first time. Which was cool, lol. Idk why she did that. She was and is super nice and pretty and she compliments me a lot and yeah. I think I am developing a tiny baby crush on her, but the thing is she is 19. Maybe that's not soo bad? But she graduated from high school last year and I am graduating next year. that weird? What should I do? I don't know if I should try to stop this before it really starts or if I should just...chill and see what happens? What do you think? I appreciate any help or advice, thanks so much! <3
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Re: How do I know if she is too old for me?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, Raine

Don't worry! The fact that this girl has graduated and you haven't may present some small logistical difficulties, but the age gap isn't especially weird. Since you're interested in her, you could just chill and see what happens. Or you could try to reciprocate a little and see how she responds.

While rejection is always a possibility when we reach out like this, and though she might reject you due to your age, that doesn't mean you need to stop this before it really starts.

Do you know if this girl is interested in women?
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Re: How do I know if she is too old for me?

Unread post by raine »

Thank you! I'll keep all of that in mind. And yes, she is.
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