First Time Using Condoms! Need Advice

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First Time Using Condoms! Need Advice

Unread post by Opal111 »

Hello! With progress on my therapy and my overall fear of pregnancy getting more managable, I wanted to learn how to use condoms and what it can help me prevent!

My partner and I are planning to grind and I perform oral on her. She just had surgery in her mouth, so she can’t give oral. This will result in us doing grinding more and handjobs. This is when I proposed using condoms so there’s no mess.

I am overall excited, but nervous! It’s a new experience for me, yet kind of new. I just want to ask, will my condom break if it’s inside of clothes? I also want to grind on her chest with a condom on. Will there be no possibility of my fluids getting on her? I haven’t done much research on condoms, so i want to make sure I’m fully ok in my mind! And of pregnancy can come from this right?

It’s come to the point I know my triggers and one of them is I go in unprepared. I think helping me prepare beforehand (tomorrow) will make me feel more safe. Thanks!
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Re: First Time Using Condoms! Need Advice

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Brian! I'm glad to hear that your fears are becoming more manageable, and going in prepared sounds like a good way to stay safe!

Condoms can tear if there is a lot of friction during sex, so that may be a concern if you're planning on wearing one inside your clothes. If it does break, you can rest assured that sperm can't move across layers of clothing, so you'll just have to think about clean up.

If the condom fits well, it should be fine while you're grinding on her chest. Just remember to hold the base after you ejaculate, since the condom may leak once you are less erect. And if any fluids do get on her, she can probably just wash them off — there has to be direct contact between the vulva and semen for pregnancy, which isn't the case here.

Remember that condoms should be used after there is a partial or full erection, not before. You can read more about using condoms here.
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