Pregnancy anxiety

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Pregnancy anxiety

Unread post by theNEknown »


I'm 2 days away from my (irregular) period. I've had intercourse on a day that was supposedly during ovulation. We used protection aswell, and I'm not aware of having any symptoms or anything, but I'm deathly scared of pregnancy. I know my period isn't even late, but I've been feeling so stressed for like a week straight where it's all I can think about and get stomach pains from being so anxious. On top of this, my boyfriend WITH protection did not even ejaculate inside, yet I'm absolutely terrified..

This was the only forum I could find that could possibly help me with this fear, nice articles. Helped a little but I'm still very worried.
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Re: Pregnancy anxiety

Unread post by Latha »

Hi theNeknown, welcome to the boards!

I'm sorry this has been making you feel so stressed! Don't worry, there is no chance of pregnancy in your situation. A good rule to keep in mind is that there has to be direct contact between semen and the vulva/vagina for there to be any possibility of pregnancy. You used protection, and your boyfriend didn't even ejaculate inside — that means there was no direct contact, and no risk.

I'm glad you've liked our articles! Have you had a chance to read this one? If you're worried about pregnancy in situations where it can't happen, it can really help to spend some time thinking about where that fear is coming from. The article I linked discusses some possible causes and how you can address them.
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