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Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:57 am
by Archer
I am growing up with abusive parents and have violent thoughts towards. There nothing I can do to escape them. I'm mental health is getting worse and I can't get therapy

Re: Help

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:33 am
by KierC
Hey there Archer,

I’m really sorry to hear the situation with your parents has been getting worse, but I’m glad you’re here for support. I remember last time we spoke, I sent over the Safety Plan. Did you get a chance to look it over, and did you see anything in there that might be an actionable first step towards getting yourself out of this situation?

In terms of getting you support in person, I would absolutely advise telling a mandated reporter about the abuse you’re experiencing at home. They are trained to work with you to get you out of this in a way that is safe for you, and they can also get you confidential support. There will be a mandated reporter at your school, including teachers, nurses, school counselors, etc. Do you have a trusted adult at school you can tell?