Attraction (I guess?) to best friend after watching Heartstopper S3

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Attraction (I guess?) to best friend after watching Heartstopper S3

Unread post by iloveeveryone »

Trigger warnings: Topics in post: casual touches, sexual attraction, arousal, mentions of mental illnesses, Heartstopper show season 3, masturbation.

Hello! Thank you for your time!

I am slightly worried about certain new feelings I feel for my best friend in college. They are so good to me, and sweet. We are both big on physical contact as our main "language of love". I love them emotionally, and I do feel that I love and often think about the idea of them. Certain touches, like on the thigh, or around my shoulder, etc. have made me briefly feel sexually aroused but I have always brushed it off as a physiological reaction. We are also very close because I am the biggest component of their support system at college with their depression and other mental illnesses. (I feel like this first paragraph describing my general feelings for them makes it look like I "definitely" like my friend romantically/sexually, but I think in real life, other things may also be true!)

What I wanted some insight on today is my new, more frequently-felt sexual attraction to them since we watched the new season of the show Heartstopper a week ago. Certain scenes in the show would inherently make me feel aroused, no matter whether I was watching alone or with someone else. Me and my friend were sitting really close together with thighs touching/us holding hands/other physical affections typical to us, especially with the show's emotional themes.

During and after sessions of watching episodes of the show, and ever since we finished it a week ago, I would be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about my best friend sexually much more than before, including masturbating to the thought of them every day in the last week as opposed to the 5 times in total this might have happened before during our friendship of one year.

What do I do about these sexual feelings? They feel good, but I also feel like 1. it is wrong because they are my friend, and 2. it is unnatural and I should not be feeling this so strongly. I don't want the sexual feelings to go away because they feel good and make me feel closer to my friend, but I'm also worried about the feelings and what situations they might lead to if I say the wrong thing!

I guess I would just appreciate some outsider thoughts on this, since I don't want to talk about it with my best friend yet, and other friends are all mutual friends in our circle.

Thank you so much, I look forward to your response!
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Re: Attraction (I guess?) to best friend after watching Heartstopper S3

Unread post by HannahP »

Hi iloveeveryone!

It can be a bit jarring when we suddenly develop a crush or an attraction or feelings for someone, especially someone we're close to! I think feeling a bit thrown off by that is really common. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your feelings so we can try to figure out where your discomfort is coming from?

One thing you say is that you're uncomfortable having sexual feelings for your friend because they're your friend. I understand worrying that new feelings will change the dynamic of a friendship that is really important in your life! I'm curious if there are other reasons why you worry that having these feelings is "wrong," besides the fact that it could change your friendship.

It especially stands out to me that you say these feelings are "unnatural." From my perspective, they seem completely normal and natural to me! It sounds like you have a lot of love and affection for your friend and the two of you have a very close and intimate relationship. Many people find that romantic and/or sexual feelings can pop up when they feel close to someone like that! I think it makes particular sense that you felt these feelings grow while watching a romantic and sexy show like Heartstopper together. I think it's pretty natural for seeing an arousing situation in a movie or TV show to translate to wanting something similar to happen to us in real life.

That being said, even if it's normal to have sexual or romantic feelings for someone doesn't mean that we can always or always want to encourage or pursue those feelings. So if you'd prefer to focus on your friendship and handle your sexual feelings yourself, I'm happy to help talk through how you could do that!
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Re: Attraction (I guess?) to best friend after watching Heartstopper S3

Unread post by iloveeveryone »

Thank you!

Yes, I would like to know how to handle it myself.
One thing you say is that you're uncomfortable having sexual feelings for your friend because they're your friend. I understand worrying that new feelings will change the dynamic of a friendship that is really important in your life! I'm curious if there are other reasons why you worry that having these feelings is "wrong," besides the fact that it could change your friendship.

It especially stands out to me that you say these feelings are "unnatural." From my perspective, they seem completely normal and natural to me! It sounds like you have a lot of love and affection for your friend and the two of you have a very close and intimate relationship. Many people find that romantic and/or sexual feelings can pop up when they feel close to someone like that! I think it makes particular sense that you felt these feelings grow while watching a romantic and sexy show like Heartstopper together. I think it's pretty natural for seeing an arousing situation in a movie or TV show to translate to wanting something similar to happen to us in real life.
I don't know why I feel it is unnatural! Maybe part of it is because of 'internalised homophobia' :( ? I should think about this more.

I would appreciate some tips on how to handle these feelings myself given that I don't want my friend to find out. Two more things I would like inputs on:

1. I don't know if I want the feelings to go away! I just know that given my friend's mental illnesses, these feelings cannot be a good sign for me. My friend just had another bad mental health episode a few days ago, and I'm kind of panicked about what might happen to me if my own feelings persist.
2. I did just come out of another bad romantic relationship, and what does it say about me that I am again having romantic feelings that can potentially harm my own mental health a lot?

I hope I did not dump too many different negative topics at once!

Thank you so much.
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Re: Attraction (I guess?) to best friend after watching Heartstopper S3

Unread post by KierC »

Hey there Iloveeveryone,

I want to reiterate what Hannah said first, which is that it’s so natural and understandable to experience attraction to someone you’re so close to — particularly while watching a romantic show! These feelings, if anything, are an indication that you’ve found someone you really enjoy being around, and it doesn’t mean you have to act on them or change the friendship if you don’t want to. One important thing to remember with this is that, while you’re having feelings for your friend, you are in charge of whether or not you express these feelings. It sounds like you’re aware of your friend’s mental health episode recently and do not want to pursue things sexually, and that’s okay! You can remain friends with them and retain this boundary that you don’t want to change the relationship. With that in mind, though, do you want to talk a little more about why you’re concerned about your mental health by being around them?

In terms of how to handle your sexual feelings yourself, I think it’d be worth thinking about what about that situation with your friend makes you feel aroused. Is there something in particular about your friend that you like, for example? Or is there something in the show you saw that made you feel aroused? If you can identify what it is about that situation you liked, you might be able to give yourself those same feelings while exploring sexual feelings on your own.

Last thought: I hear you about internalized homophobia possibly contributing to this. Did you have more thoughts about that? (It’s ok if you haven’t thought about it yet, it’s a big topic that can take some time to go through)
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