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My crotch smelled like a vagina after dry humping

Questions and discussion about contraception, safer sex, STIs, sexual healthcare and other sexual health issues.
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My crotch smelled like a vagina after dry humping

Unread post by Caleb »

Me and my partner were dry humping and she had a pair of underwear on and i had thick pants and underwear on. She had a lot of fluid come out and she stained my pants while doing so. We did oral sex and all that.

However, I go shower later that day and when i was washing my groin, my hands smelled like her fluids. I am panicking as this implies that my own precum could’ve gone through my clothes and got her pregnant.

Is this true? Or am i just overreacting? Do we need Plan B?
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Re: My crotch smelled like a vagina after dry humping

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Hi Caleb!

Even if your precum did soak through your clothes, sperm is incredibly fragile and the sex you describe cannot result in pregnancy!
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