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Pregnancy test

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:56 am
by silverc
hi! I take a birth control pill that has a 4 yellow pills in each package. Usually my withdrawal bleed comes at the second day of the yellow pills. However this month it did not come and I took a pregnancy test the following day. That was 3 weeks after the last time me and my boyfriend had sex ( we were condoms and he did not come inside me. Though he fingered me after touching some semen and then wiped his hands on a towel). The test was negative. Did I take it to early or is that result reliable?

Re: Pregnancy test

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:58 am
by Sam W
Hi silverc,

As long as you took the test according to the directions about when and how to test, you can assume the results are accurate.

Are you comfortable using condoms and withdrawl, or would you be more comfortable with an additional method?

Re: Pregnancy test

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:07 pm
by silverc
Well, I am on the pill as well witch does make me feel more comfortable. I have read many places that it's normal to sometimes not get your period when taking the pill. Usually I bleed for four days but I have also had a couple of times in which I had nothing more than a little brown discharge for less then a day. Even so the lack of bleeding is just kind of disturbing. But if you have any other suggestions as for ways I can protect myself better I would appreciate them.

Re: Pregnancy test

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:12 pm
by Sam W
Oh duh, I somehow blanked that you'd mentioned the pills :) . Yep, it's not unusual to miss a period or withdrawl bleed here or there. If you're happy with the pill, then that's awesome! If you want to explore other options, you can check out our birth control bingo:
Birth Control Bingo!

Re: Pregnancy test

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:09 pm
by silverc
I think the pill works well for me. But I will give it a look. Thank you so much!